Financial planning process

Learn about the financial planning process, from initial consultation through to preparing and implementing the financial plan, and conducting ongoing client reviews.

Our financial planners will take you through a six step process:

1. Gather financial information about you, your background, investment objectives, risk tolerance and existing investments.

2. Identify your financial and lifestyle goals through a comprehensive risk profiling exercise that allows us to evaluate your tolerance towards market fluctuations.

3. Identify any financial issues. We do this before we progress to making recommendations on strategy or investments.

4. Prepare your personalised financial strategy which will outline appropriate investment solutions, identify any risk management, cashflow management and taxation planning issues. It will also identify any Centrelink issues, estate planning considerations and detail the benefits, features and fees. The result is a holistic financial solution presented in a detailed written report, called a Statement of Advice.

5. Implement the plan. Once you’re ready to go ahead, your financial plan will be put into action. Where appropriate, your financial planner may work with specialist professionals, such as an accountant or solicitor.

6. Provide an ongoing review so that the plan can be revised at regular intervals or when you experience life changes. In instances where other circumstances may affect your long-term plan such as changes to the economic environment or legislative changes, we will provide additional advice about your investment portfolio and recommend changes to your investment strategy. The review will also provide you with the opportunity to notify us of changes to your circumstances. This will ensure that your review is modified accordingly.

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